T&B Petroleum/Press Office ANP
ANP implements its new governance model starting today (January 15), which includes the random assignment of process rapporteurs among the directors who make up the Collegiate Board, with the exception of the Director-General, who will remain the natural rapporteur for processes related to administrative matters concerning the internal management of ANP.
The processes assigned to the Director-Rapporteurs are those that require deliberation by the Collegiate Board. These processes will be followed by their respective rapporteurs from creation to completion.
The random assignment of Director-Rapporteurs is in line with the separation of the ANP's finalistic units (superintendencies focused on regulated activities) from specific technical directorates, linking them to the Collegiate Board as a whole, as outlined in the Agency's new governance model.
Drawings will take place daily at 10 AM through the SEI-Julgar module (within the Electronic Information System - SEI), with the results published on a dynamic panel available on the ANP website.
There will be no changes to the Director-Rapporteurs for processes already initiated by January 14 and pending deliberation by the Collegiate Board.
The separation does not affect the relationship between ANP and the economic agents it regulates. There will also be no changes to the operation of Collegiate Board meetings, consultations, or public hearings.
Reference Directors
Under the new governance model, in addition to being randomly assigned processes related to the Agency's regulated activities, the four Technical Directors will also serve as Reference Directors.
These Directors will be responsible for the internal oversight of topics assigned to them via a lottery, providing technical support to the organizational units responsible for handling the work processes related to these topics and to the Director-Rapporteurs, when requested.
Each of the four Reference Directors will be responsible for overseeing five of a total of 20 topics that cover all the work processes carried out by the Agency in the scope of its finalistic responsibilities.
On January 6, the first lottery for the distribution of topics to the Reference Directors was conducted through the SEI-Julgar module, with validity from today (January 15) until December 31, 2025. These lotteries will be held annually.
The topics currently assigned to each Reference Director can be consulted on the page: https://www.gov.br/anp/pt-br/composicao/diretoria-colegiada/reunioes-da-diretoria-colegiada/diretores-de-referencia.
These Directors are also responsible for representing ANP externally regarding the topics under their responsibility, without prejudice to the legal competencies of the Director-General. They do not have any responsibilities related to the administrative management of the ANP's internal units, which will be handled by the Collegiate Board as a whole.
The New Governance Model Project aims to enable the Agency to keep pace with changes and innovations in the regulated sectors and to promote the modernization of internal management.
Learn more on the ANP website: https://www.gov.br/anp/pt-br/composicao/diretoria-colegiada/reunioes-da-diretoria-colegiada/modelo-de-governanca-da-anp.
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